Friday, September 27, 2013

Yayyyyyyy... It's My Big Sis' Birthday! Happy Birthday Lovelyn Efe Odeh!!!

Yes ooooh... It's my big sister's birthday today!
What more can I say? Thank You Lord! 

Where do I begin? Lovelyn Efe Odeh! The bestest big sister ever! 
Here's what makes her special...
*  difficult yet understanding, 
*  thorough yet loving, 
*  strict yet forgiving, 
*  annoying yet quick to apologise, 
*  compassionate, God fearing... etc
What more could one ask for in a big sister?

Though exact opposites in character/lifestyle/attitude, my sis inspires me beyond comprehension!

When I look back to where God has brought her from, I can't but shed tears in appreciation. Whoever said success was a day's job was definitely not talking about her! But I thank God for bringing her thus far... 
Thank you big sis for being who you are! I'm sure our parents are very proud of you! God bless you!

Enough said! 

Here is wishing my big sis A Happy Birthday and Many Blissful Years on Earth with that special man! 


  1. Happy bday biggest so so proud of ya...much lOooooovvvVeeee

  2. Happy Birthday hun...eNDeey_


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