The Importance Of Partnership · Monday, August 19th
Pastor Chris
Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labour (Ecclesiastes 4:9).

T.L Osborn may never have been to those villages, but both of us will be rewarded by the Lord for the souls won and the lives that were touched by the power of God in those villages. What happened? T.L Osborn "planted" by preaching the messages, but I "watered" by ensuring the Word reached many more in those villages in the backside of civilization through those videotapes and tracts.
You may not be the one that wrote the books or preached the message on the tapes, but when you participate in the distribution of such materials, you’re taking your place as a partner in the propagation of the Gospel. In our ministry, we have several outreaches and media outlets used to reach the lost, and touch the lives of millions around the world. Take advantage of such God-given platforms, and make impact with the Gospel around the world. There’s so much you can do to ensure God’s Word prevails in your environment, city, region or country.
For example, at one time or the other, you may have received this devotional free, or perhaps, you’ve been receiving it free every month; that’s because someone else paid for you to get it free. What you should then do is to make the same happen for others by getting more copies of Rhapsody of Realities to give to others. Let someone else experience the blessing of God’s Word through you.
The Word of God is the wisdom of God. Studying the Word, and having your spirit suffused with revelation knowledge, will help you live the triumphant life in Christ. Rhapsody of Realities provides millions of readers around the world that knowledge and seasoned understanding of the Scriptures required for a victorious life, on a daily basis.
has anointed me as a minister of reconciliation, to propagate the
Gospel of His power with all fervour and dedication. I’m not slothful in
this great commission but aglow, burning with the zeal of the Spirit to
fulfil this great cause.f u r t h e r s t u d y: Isaiah 11:9; Mark 16:15
Daily Scripture Reading
1 Year Reading Plan : 1 Corinthians 4, Psalms 113-116
2 Year Reading Plan : Luke 17:20-30 1 Samuel 4
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